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Additional Resources

History & Grade Distribution of the Exam


Crash Course Psychology


3D Brain:


Interactive 3D Brain


Review Videos


Michael Corayer Review Videos


Mandy Rice AP Psych Review Videos


Chapter Specific Videos:


Biology Chapter Videos:


The Synapse


The Neuron


The Action Potential


The Action Potential Part 2


The Nervous System


Damage to the Hippocampus & Memory


Amygdala & Emotion


Split Brain Patients


Endocrine System


Parkinson's Disease


Alzheimer's Disease


Sensation & Perception Chapter Videos:


Eye Anatomy


Ear Anatomy


Theories of Color Vision


Absolute Threshold


Weber's Law & JND


Visual Cliff


Monkey Business Illusion


McGurk Effect


Learning Chapter Videos:


John B Watson Little Albert Experiment


Classic & Operant Conditioning


Operant Conditioning


BF Skinner's Pigeons


BF Skinner's Token Economy


Bobo Doll Experiment


Rescorla's Model of Classical Conditioning


Insightful Learning


Latent Learning


Cognition Chapter Videos:


Constructed Memory


Information Processing Theory


Developmental Psychology Chapter Videos:


Theory of Mind


Infant Reflexes


Harry Harlow's Monkeys


Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development


Mary Ainsworth - Attachment


Sigmund Freud Documentary


Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Stages


Erik Erikson Psychosocial Stages


Kolberg's Stages of Moral Development


Testing Differences:


Types of Validity


Abnormal Psychology Chapter Videos:


Learned Helplessness


Howie Mandel OCD


Rosenhan - Being Sane in Insane Places


Dissociative Identity Disorder


Alzheimer's Disease


Treatment of Psychological Disorders Chapter Videos:


Client Centered Therapy


Social Psychology Chapter Videos:


Cognitive Dissonance


Routes to Persuasion


Contact Theory


Bystander Effect


Solomon Asch's Conformity Studies


Stanley Milgram's Obedience Studies


Pygmalian Effect


Stanford Prison Experiment


Personality Tests:


Big Five Personality Test (for fun):






Thematic Apperception Test (for fun):







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